News Releases

Mercury General Corp Invites You to Join Its Second Quarter Conference Call on the Web


In conjunction with Mercury General Corporation (NYSE: MCY) Second Quarter earnings release, you are invited to listen to its conference call that will be broadcast live over the Internet on July 28, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. Eastern.

   What:     Mercury General Corporation 2nd Quarter Earnings Release

   When:     July 28, 2003 at 01:00 P.M. Eastern


   How:      Live over the Internet -- Simply log on to the web at the
             address above

   Contact:  Judy Walters, +1-323-857-7140

Mercury General (NYSE: MCY) is the leading independent agency writer of automobile insurance in California and has been one of the fastest growing automobile insurers in the nation. It is ranked as the sixth largest among all insurers in California, with total assets over $2 billion. Automobile insurance is also written in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Oklahoma, New York, and Virginia. In addition to automobile insurance, Mercury writes other lines of insurance in various states, including mechanical breakdown and homeowners insurance.

From its formation in 1961, Mercury has concentrated on building and improving the foundation on which long-term shareholder value is created. First and foremost is the careful underwriting, strict cost control and efficient claims management which support affordable, competitive automobile insurance rates. Highly motivated managers and employees working with the Company's independent agents (its front-line underwriting partners) make the Mercury system work.

(Minimum Requirements to listen to broadcast: The Windows Media Player software, downloadable free from , and at least a 28.8Kbps connection to the Internet. If you experience problems listening to the broadcast, send an email to


SOURCE: Mercury General Corporation

CONTACT: Judy Walters of Mercury General Corporation, +1-323-857-7140

Web site:

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