News Releases

Mercury General Corporation Fourth Quarter-2000 Conference Call


Mr. George Joseph, CEO, will be hosting Mercury General Corporation's third quarter conference call. As during past calls, Mr. Joseph's management team will be accompanying him on the call for the question and answer period. Please have your questions prepared, since Mr. Joseph generally keeps his introductory comments brief. Please note that if you are asking any questions you must dial the Question/Answer telephone number below.

  Please call in 10 minutes prior to the start of the call.

  Date:                   Monday, February 5, 2001

  Time:                   10:00 AM Pacific

  Domestic Dial-In:       (800) 288-8975 - Questions-Answers
                          (800) 230-1092 - Listen only

  International Dial-In:  (612) 332-0107

  Replay Details

  Start:  Monday, February 5, 2001      1:30 PM Pacific
  End:    Monday, February 12, 2001     11:59 PM Pacific

  Domestic Replay Dial-In:              (800) 475-6701
  International Replay Dial-In:         (320) 365-3844
  Access Code:                          566449

PRNewswire -- Jan. 30

SOURCE: Mercury General Corporation


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